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Maybe girls are better than boys 😳 listen 🔈

I’m going to say something quite profound and deep here but I may have a point…

In the last 5 years…

Q. Which sex has advanced, evolved or changed most significantly and could be said to look more different over that period than the other?

I’d say hands down… FEMALE!

Would you agree?

Not to play top trumps, and of course as a male myself it’s awkward to have to admit, but you’d have to say across the globe, women generally are now doing things they certainly didn’t and couldn’t 50 years ago but certainly in the last 5 to 10 years have advanced those things even further.

Without going too deep to clarify the point like addressing the fact that even in parts of the world where women couldn’t drive, even these things have changed, to me there’s a few very clear reasons this shift is occurring.

One of those things is to do with ego!

Not typically a feminine trait, and you would probably find that those with what would be considered a more masculine ego have advanced far less, however a lack of ego looks to be a gateway to significant and rapid change when opportunity is there for it.

If you look at the personal training industry, it’s disproportionately held up by women, Despite many of the coaches and personal trainers being male.

Without looking at the entire picture and just focusing on fitness…

Women without ego, over the last 5-10 years have increasingly taken on coaching as a major part of their lifestyle like never before. It’s true that even since the late 70’s early 80’s that it became common to find women at their local community centre, potentially in a pair of leg warmers doing some form of legs, bums and tums or rebook step class. The last 5 years this has transformed into women paying for individual personal training including strength training and changing lifestyles to fit around it like never before.

Most males especially those possessing that previously mentioned ego would avoid being told by another alpha males that their form is incorrect or that they could improve something they feel naturally made to do on this earth… be physically competent.   

Women however, have a much less difficult time coming to the conclusion that perhaps taking on the help of someone with expertise is the best way for them to ensure they get the outcome they want and achieve it in both a safe and sustainable way, making it worth the long term investment.

If you look at the physiques of women (I’m proud to be able to use my club as an example here *smug smile) over the last 5 years never before would you be able to see so many transformations and genuinely outstanding physiques especially post pregnancy as what we see today. Never have we seen women with such body fat to muscle mass ratios apart from ridiculous depiction in cartoons previously.

I’m not going to completely kill the lads here but could it be that because women and those without ego are naturally more open to critique and correction that they are now improving at a rate that the male species isn’t capeable of and won’t be until they adopt similar mindsets?

Simply looking at the most successful physical minds and bodies over the course of history… all have a high quality and experienced coach, it’s really quite clear.

The conclusion…

High quality coaching and being open to critique creates space for rapid and continual improvement if committed to over time.

Don’t get too carried away though ladies because the next post is about discipline over emotion so buckle up 😂 and enjoy this one while it lasts 😏

Intensity💫 is Back😍 Get Ready!


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